Meet Our Staff

Jennifer, LCSW

Executive Director

Meet Jennifer (she/her)

Jennifer Kell is the Executive Director of Robin’s Hope. Jennifer is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with more than 20 years of experience in treating trauma in children, adolescents, and adults. As co-founder of Robin’s Hope, Jennifer is excited to offer innovative services to help our community understand the impact of traumatic experiences, learn about resilience, and heal. 

Get in touch with Jennifer:

ext: 103

Heather, CPRS

Operations and Training Manager, Director of Peer Services

Meet Heather (she/her)

Heather Pate is the Operations and Training Manager and the Director of Peer Services. Heather is a Registered and Certified Peer Recovery Specialist, 72-Hour PRS trainer, and Director of Peer Services for Robin’s Hope. Heather is the co-founder of Robin’s Hope and held the Board Chair position for Jeremiah Foundation, Inc. for years, committing over 2,000 hours of yearly volunteer service to Robin’s Hope before finally coming on as an official Robin’s Hope employee in April 2024. Heather has a bachelor’s degree in engineering, and she is trained to teach various other training that improves the field of Peer Support in Virginia. Heather is an involved member in various local/state councils and coalitions. Heather was in the first graduating class of Recovery Leadership Academy. She is a person in long term recovery with mental health and trauma experiences. Peer Support and Peer Programs gave Heather hope. 

Get in touch with Heather:



Office Manager

Meet Tracy (she/her)

Tracy Grow is Office Manager for Jeremiah Foundation (Robin’s Hope/Inner Touch Counseling) and has over 30 years of professional administrative experience. She is a known local advocate and ally who has volunteered for various non-profits and community efforts that support recovery from substance use, mental health disorders, grief and loss, and trauma since 2015. Four months after losing her oldest son, Taylor to an accidental heroin overdose, and seeing a need in our community, she founded GRAPLE in 2017. GRAPLE is a local and national grief and loss resource for anyone who has lost a loved one to substance use disorder. They offer weekly support groups, 24/7 crisis support to individuals and first responders, and peer-to-peer mentoring. 

Get in touch with Tracy:


Michael, CPRS

Program Director

Meet Michael (they/them)

Michael James-Deramo is Program Director for Robin’s Hope. Michael is a certified peer recovery specialist and longtime participant of Robin’s Hope. Michael is trained in Mental Health First Aid, Seeking Safety, Trauma Informed and Trauma Supportive Leadership, and is a certified REVIVE! trainer. Michael also created Robin’s Hope’s ‘Working with LGBTQ+’ training. Michael has a history in nonprofit community organizing and engaging in environmental and social justice work. They like poetry, hiking, camping, and dressing up in fun floral shirts.

Get in touch with Michael:

ext: 104

Julie “Juls”, PRS

Virtual Program Lead

Meet Jules (she/they)

I was introduced to Robin’s Hope in August of 2022. I was six months sober when I experienced a trigger from a sexual assault 28 years earlier. I joined virtual groups and received individual peer support. I started to address my complex PTSD over decades of my life. I sought out individual therapy and medication management for mental illnesses. I remained sober despite the trigger, because of Robin’s Hope.  In March of 2023, I received a scholarship to participate in a 72-hour Peer Recovery Specialist course and graduated in May of 2023. I also completed 500 volunteer hours at Robin’s Hope and in March of 2024, I was offered the position as Virtual Program Lead. In June of 2024, I passed my state certification exam and became a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist. This profession is all about lived experience, and that is something I have in excess.

I can relate to those who’ve endured verbal, emotional, mental, and sexual abuse, and corporal punishment as a child. I can relate to those who are widowed. To those who’ve experienced domestic violence, and sexual assault. I can relate to being bullied and suicidal. I can relate to women who’ve lost custody of their children, and to those who’ve lost a profession due to substance abuse.  I can relate to those who’ve experienced homelessness, food insecurity, institutional abuse in the healthcare system because of mental illness and substance abuse. I can relate to those who’ve experienced a traumatic physical injury, having to learn to walk again.  I can relate to having a lost childhood, feeling like I don’t have a place in this world. I can relate to those who are responsible for an adult child with special needs. Yes, my life has been a rollercoaster ride of sobriety and relapse….and each relapse stripped away more of my dignity.

I thought I was a healer when I volunteered as a paramedic in my 20’s and became a Registered Nurse in Critical Care and the Emergency Department. I’m also a Licensed Massage Therapist. My entire professional life has been in healthcare.  I lived a privileged life and finally had everything I thought would make me happy. At the same time, I was dying inside.  My co-dependency, substance abuse and untreated mental illness took over.  I became the undertow of my own life. I was focused on taking care of everyone but myself. Through it all, however, I had the will to live. I was determined to come out the other side of my self-inflicted turbulence, and learn a new way of life. I’m growing, and catching myself when I resort to the survival skills I learned as a child. I am taking responsibility for my behavior.

It is no exaggeration to say, Robin’s Hope has saved my life.  After 40 years of therapy, in and out of treatment centers, and psychiatric units, no one has ever guided me to the source of my pain, until I came to Robin’s Hope.  I was plagued with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). I’ve had to address the source of my suffering. What happened to me as a child is not mine to carry, but it is my responsibility to heal. I’ve had to forgive myself and others. Today I see a future beyond the tip of my nose. I have hope and purpose.  I see beauty, even when it’s not pretty.

Being a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist, my recovery and self-care are my priorities.  This profession encourages it, and at Robin’s Hope, we have each other’s back.  Now I understand what my spiritual mentor, a Medicine Woman once told me.  “HEALER! Heal thyself first!” I’ve come to understand, a true healer doesn’t heal others. We heal ourselves and help others to heal themselves. At this point in my recovery I’m grateful for everything I’ve survived. I’m able to see how my resiliency to emerge from a traumatic childhood and chaotic life can help others who want to heal. THIS is my purpose.  To make a difference in the lives of others in my tribe.

Get in touch with Juls:

ext: 203

Rye, PRS

In-Person Program Lead

Meet Rye (he/him)

Rye Curtis is the In Person Program Lead. Rye is a long-time participant, intern, and CPRS with Robin’s Hope. He is also a former Executive Director of Friends 4 Recovery, giving him years of experience working with many of the participants in the Robin’s Hope in person program. As of November 2023, Rye celebrated 25 years of recovery. Rye is trained in WRAP, Trauma informed care, and Mental Health First Aid. In his free time Rye raises bees and listens to a wide range of music. 

Get in touch with Rye: