In-Person Group Sign-Up

In-Person Group Calendar

Group Descriptions

RISE! Resilience Support Group:

This is a resilience based group based around a card deck that includes Adverse Experiences and primarily and largely around Resilience Skills that help us overcome those experieences.

Monday & Wednesday Peer CheckIn:

This group allows members to check in with each other and receive feedback and support.

Golden Years Group:

This group allows members to check in with each other and receive feedback and support.

DBT Skills and Strategies:

This group provides a space to work together through Marsh Linehan’s DBT Workbook and talk about the skills, how to apply them, and support tone another to use them.


Trauma-sensitive yoga. Great for relaxation and guided mindfulness and embodiment.

Friendship and Relationship Skills:

This group discusses interpersonal skills.

Get Outside Group:

This group will get us outside, we may take a mindful walk, do some movement, have an outside peer check in, or even just look out the window and discuss what we see.

100 Questions:

Wellness is more than the mind and our emotions.

Art Group:

Art expression is being like the one friend we all need that’s non-judgmental and helps us open up and be ourselves.

Mindfulness Group:

In this group we explore mindfulness and the practice of purposely bringing one’s attention to the present-moment experience without evaluation.

New Participants

Please fill out and submit these documents before attending your first group.