Virtual Group Sign-Up

Virtual Group Calendar

Group Descriptions

RISE! Resilience Support Group:

This is a resilience based group based around a card deck that includes Adverse Experiences and primarily and largely around Resilience Skills that help us overcome those experiences.

Peer Check-In:

This group allows members to check in with each other and receive feedback and support.

Writer’s Way:

We encourage participants to open up while writing it down. This is a weekly, open journaling group, where participants can process, connect, and express themselves creatively.

DBT Skills and Strategies:

This group provides a space to work together through Marsh Linehan’s DBT Workbook and talk about the skills, how to apply them, and support tone another to use them.


Trauma-sensitive yoga. Great for relaxation and guided mindfulness and embodiment.

All the Feels:

This group will discuss emotions. We will explore emotions together and how to claim and sit with our emotions. We will learn about how different emotions feel within our body together.

LGBTQ+ Hope:

A safe, nonjudgmental space for LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies focused on promoting acceptance, awareness, resilience, hope, and self-love.

Breaking the Cycle of Abuse:

A group that is focused on different types of intimate partner abuse, signs, red flags, and green flags.

Art Group:

Art expression is being like the one friend we all need that’s non-judgmental and helps us open up and be ourselves.

Boundaries Group:

This group is all about boundaries. Come work on boundaries.

Mindfulness Group:

In this group we explore mindfulness and the practice of purposely bringing one’s attention to the present-moment experience without evaluation.


A safe, inclusive, virtual peer-led space for those who identify as Autistic. This is a place to share challenges, experiences, social issues, and support each other through navigating within their community and identity.

Check Out Our Music Group’s Playlist

New Participants

Please fill out and submit these documents before attending your first group.

Need Help?

If staff, interns, or participants need to contact a group facilitator please reach out using whose email and phone extension are listed in the group description on our calendar. If you are unable to get a response contact Julie at, except on Tuesdays and Fridays.  If you need staff on those days, please contact Michael at Or call 804-608-9389.  Julie’s extension is 203 and Michael’s extension is 104.